Wednesday, 25 April 2012

here comes the sun

I've not done anything wacky on my lips in a while, so in the spirit of being a crazy kinda gal, I gave myself a glowing go over with some bright citrus (it of course had nothing to do with the fact I just found some dandelion yellow eyeliner on sale... thanks to my rockin grandma for that treat :D) I coloured up my eyeboggles and my lips to match, lets check it ouut:
Not my favortie picture, I was much too close to the camera but it is the only full face I managed to get before I was practically booted out the door. Meh.
Any way, Got my groove on here, gonna tell you what I used while having a boogie to Jimi Hendrix!
Used: claire's accesories body crayons in yellow and orange from the rainbow set, sleek eyeliner in canary yellow, Barry M eyeliner in #24. I also used a small  brush, like the tiny ones used in model painting.
Just a heads up too, you may notice a difference in the consistency of the 2 eyeliners, the sleek one in much softer and glides more than the barry m eyeliner, but don't panic bunnies, I'll explain how to over come this in a jiffy.
I did my lips first so I'll tell you how to do them first, I started with the yellow body crayon, I drew a mid sized yellow circle in the center of my lips and went over it again to build colour depth. Then, following your lips shape, in the orange crayon, fill in where you haven't got yellow on your lips, don't worry if you slightly over lap the yellow at any point. Once you have done this, with your little finger, smudge the edges of the 2 colours together and touch up if the 2 colours look sparse after wards, then use the small brush to blend the colour further, by swirling the brush in a spiral up and down the area where the 2 colours have met.

Now for your eyes, first line half your upper eyelid, from the inner corner with the yellow eyeliner and then from the outer corner, line with the orange until they meet, the difference in textures means you CANNOT blend the two colours using the orange, it is too dense to do so, so use the yellow to blend the two colours, and when you have blended with the yellow as best you can, use the brush from your lips earlier, this will help also in blending them smoothly. When you have belnded, go back to the end of the orange, at the outer corner, and create a short sharp flick, if you can't do this neatly, go from the corner part of your tear line where the top and bottom tear line meet and flick upwards in a straight line from there and then connect the flick and the liner on your upper lid.

you can sort of see what I've done here... too blurry though for my liking.

Anyway, happy joy sparkly whatnot to you all

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